Water Rocket Competition

May 07, 2024
艺术 and 科学 学生
Discovery Hall (Outside on the North Side of DSCH)

How long can your rocket fly?? The longest timed flight gets the prize (we are measuring time, not distance…no, it does not count as “flying” if you get stuck in a tree!).

Come join us to compete or just to cheer on the competitors and observe the fun.

Don't know how to build a rocket? We will include instructions in the Water Rocket Kit (we will tell you exactly how to build the Water Rocket, any modifications made to this design, 虽然, are your choice). Engineers from Royal Engineered Composites will also be available to provide advice during a team meeting.

Team Guidelines

Teams can be comprised of 1-3 bet36365体育 students (max of 3). 学生 can be from ANY department or background. Only EIGHT teams will be accepted (we are limited by the availability of launch pads). Register your team early! First come, first serve.


Water Rocket Competition Prizes (Longest “in-flight” Water Rocket)

First-Place Prize: The First-place team will receive a $350 Visa Gift Card!

Second-Place Prize: The Second-place team will receive a $200 Visa Gift Card!

Third-Place Prize: The Third-place team will receive a $100 Visa Gift Card!

The Spirit Rocket Prize*: $50 Visa Gift Card

*Individuals or teams are encouraged to submit a “decorative” (not necessarily flight-ready) water rocket. Teams/individuals competing in the “flight-ready” Rocket Competition are encouraged to submit a second rocket to participate in the Spirit Rocket Competition.

To eligible for the Spirit Rocket Prize, your Spirit Rocket must be submitted to Jamila Bajelan (DSCH 335) before Wednesday, May 1st at 4pm. Rockets will be displayed (space pending) and photographed for judging as well as for social media.

All Water Rocket Competition Prizes are provided by Royal Engineered Composites.

Thursday May 9, 2024 (weather make-up day)

Jamila Bajelan